Dr. Hsieh receives 2019 Junior Research ...Dr. Hsieh receives 2019 Junior Research Investigator Award of Academia SinicaREAD MORE
New publication in ACS NanoOur latest research achievements of using nanoparticle labeling for high-resolution single...READ MORE
Bioscience of Membrane SeminarWe are organizing a series of seminar talks on biomembrane-related researchREAD MORE
Welcome Yu-Chien to the team!READ MORE
Prof. WE Moerner visited usNobel laureate Prof. WE Moerner of Stanford University visited us during his busy schedule...READ MORE
Yi-Hung won the Best Poster Award at 201...Congratulations to Dr. Yi-Hung Liao on receiving the Best Poster Honorable Mention Award (...READ MORE
New publication in NanoscaleOur work on contrast enhanced microscopy is accepted for publication in Nanoscale!READ MORE
Welcome Jz-Yuan to the team!READ MORE